Psalm 46:10a
Be still, and know that I am God;
I started the day two days ago with peace and an awareness of God. But before long, my life was swapped by a series of relentless demands. My car’s air con needed fixing, teachers were calling and coming to get their students’ results. Many WhatsApp questions needing response, etc., all these taking place while I had to maintain a teaching practice! Agitation and frustration crept into my system and affected the balance to my inner world. This episode is a reminder that I need to be still before the Lord so that I can refocus, be refreshed and be renewed. I have learnt that being still involves at least 2 aspects:
Be still outwardly
We need to be silent outwardly and be alone with God. To cut away the noise of this world by going away somewhere quiet and spending solitary moments with our Father. Even Jesus had to withdraw from ministry and His disciples to spend time in prayer ALONE with the Father. It was in those moments that He received strength and instructions from the Father to accomplish all that He has to on this earth.
Be still inwardly
Being still outwardly will not necessarily mean that we will be still inwardly. Restlessness can still pervade our souls even when we are surrounded by nature’s tranquillity. In Psalm 46:10a, the words “Be still” have the implication of surrender and yielding to the Lord. Nuanced accurately, the verse should read, “SURRENDER and know that I am God”. Surrender would be the last thing most of us would like to do because we prefer to be in control of situations. But God is teaching us to surrender our control, cares, and anxieties to Him because He cares for us. The Bible tells us that He bears our burdens daily. By casting our cares and “putting our weight” on Him, we will, in turn, receive His peace and confidence to face the challenges of this world. As we put our trust in Him, the tempest of life can invade our outer world, but we can rest in confident trust within our inner world because we have come to know that He is God. He lives in us and He is in control of all things! Outwardly we may be in turmoil BUT inwardly we are in peace. Surrendering to God will lead us to that place of inward rest, peace, stability and stillness.
A picture of peace and the depth of its meaning is not just conveyed by flowing waters, lush greeneries, beautiful flowers and honey bees. A friend of mine interpreted peace aptly when he drew a picture of small boat in the midst of a raging sea. Peace is found in our small little boats when Jesus is on board with us amidst the storms of life!
Father in Heaven,
…… help us to be still outwardly and inwardly so that we can hear from You with clarity. Teach us to know that spending time with You isn’t wasted time for You long to be with us and to bless us. Lead us into Your presence and cause us to surrender and trust in You for You are greater than all things and You hold all things in Your hand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
By Elder Raymond Tan (first posted on 6th December 2019)